The 11th KFFC “Dreamzine” workshop, full of people!

June 13, 2024

The 11th KFFC had a “Dreamzine” workshop with Montréal-based visual artist Jenny Lin on May 28th at Ada X, in partnership with the Moving Image Research Lab’s Sociability of Sleep Project at McGill University. The workshop was full of people who were discussing their personal sleep and dream experiences, and making it into handmade zines!

The workshop started off with “sleep food” served by Audrey Jiang. The food included handmade rice balls, marinated eggplants, colourful salad and delicious fruits. Hot tea and miso soup was served, which made everyone ready for creative zine making activities, and to talk about each other’s dream and sleep experiences.

Afterwards, Jenny Lin introduced their experimental narrative and autobiographical fiction, primarily in the form of print-based installations, artists’ books and zines. Jenny conducted a demonstration of different types of handmade zines. Every attendee created their own physical zines, and participated in short writing and drawing exercises.

Thank you so much to Jenny Lin, Audrey Jiang, and the Ada X and Sociability of Sleep team for partnering with our festival for this fun and creative event! Check workshop photo in our photo gallery!👏#wehandmadekffc