The 11th KFFC grand opening at Cinéma Moderne!

May 30, 2024

11TH KFFC had a grand opening at cinema moderne on May 25th. Thanks to all the artists and public who came to enjoy the opening cocktail and KFFC Ecology workshop “Bibimbap”. Great thanks to Cinema moderne with providing with wonderful venue with beautiful terrasse and cinema.

Also, thanks to our first KFFC Chef “Bibimbap” workshop as part of Arts East-West Ecology, where our founder and director Mi-Jeong Lee and Janet Lumb, co-founder of Accès Asie Festival, served us all with homemade Korean food!

Before the screening, thanks to Marie Boti (Board of Director), LEE Jae-wan(Ambassador / Consul General Representative on the ICAO Council), Benjamin Pelletier (Programming Manager at cinema modern) and Mi-Jeong Lee for warm welcoming words.

The two screenings for our two films in our “East Meets West” category: in water (2023, Korea) by HONG Sangsoo and A Time to Live and a Time to Die (1985, Taiwan) by HOU Hsiao-hsien was fully booked with people’s love and passion of asian movies. Also, thanks to all of our volunteers and staff members for your hard work to make our festival a success! Check our photo gallery for more pictures!