May 11, 2024
The 11th KFFC 2024 is thrilled to screen the Canadian premier of new, independent talents KIM Dongryung and PARK Kyoungtae’s The Pregnant Tree and the Goblin (2019, Korea) at Cinéma Moderne on Friday, May 31st from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.
Synopsis: When plans to demolish the American base in Uijungbu, Korea surface, Park Insun, a long-time resident of the neighboring shanty town and former “comfort woman,” experiences distress after she learns of a former colleague’s passing. This fictional film combines elements of fantasy and historical reality in its reckoning with the afterlives of US military occupation and sexual trauma, empowering Insun to take control of her own fate.
Get your ticket on our Eventbrite page!
Don’t miss the Canadian premier of The Pregnant Tree and the Goblin (2019, Korea)!