2024 11th KFFC Film Categories

April 25, 2024

We are excited to announce the film categories of the 11th KFFC 2024:

1. East Meets West” reflects Arts East-West’s mission to bridge east and west. One of our core mandates is to foster artistic and cultural exchanges between Korean, Asian Canadian, pan-Asian, and Asian diaspora film and media arts.

2. “Side by Side” highlights Asian and North American artists, including Canadians, to explore converging (and diverging) aesthetics, narratives, and shared experiences.

3. Spotlight: Asian Quebecois Film and Media Arts” features Asian Quebecois artists and their communities across Canada and the diaspora.

The 11th KFFC’s theme “Arts & Technologies: Sleep, Dream, and Body” will explore the intersection of creative works and technological advancements through Asian cinema and art, encompassing both present and future visual cultures, alongside our audience.

Stay tuned for our exciting, detailed line-up of film and media arts screenings!